Monday, 2/4/08

Perhaps hand written and processed boarding passes are not such a good idea. Right after I’s asked the B.A. representative to put through my luggage directly to Sydney so I wouldn’t have to bother with ity in Johannesburg when I stopped  up to my assigned seat and found a man in it. I showed him my boarding pass saying with a smile 16A . He smiled back and showed me his 16A. The flight attendant temporarily sat me down in first class. She was annoyed that it was taking so long to find out what was wrong, so she promised to keep me in first class where I was promptly offered sparkling wine and chardonnay with my three course lunch. The pilot also promised a bumpy flight. He was right. Every time I tried to take a sip of the wine, the glass bumped my nose instead of my lips. It was a strange involuntary gesture as my glass kept going up a foot while I stayed in my seat. I just heard that the delay is a result of everything having to be handwritten as the electricity and systems are down. Good luck luggage. I also just remembered that I’d ordered kosher meals for this trip just to see if they’re better than the usual fare, which means that the  impostor at 16A got my meal, since I didn’t. The 747-400 to Sydney is full and will take 12:30 hours. Sydney is 16 hours ahead of NY.

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